


Kristine sent me this question about JC.

Mr. Cluver! (Note how she uses exclamation marks to intimidate me)
     When Decius Brutus was trying to persuade Caesar to go to the senate he says "I have, when you have heard what I can say: And know it now, the Senate have concluded to give this day a crown to mighty Caesar. If you shall send them word you will not come, Their minds may change." Act II, scene ii, line 92-96
and Caesar did go... does that mean he WAS ambitious?

My response:

Would Caesar have accepted the crown? I think not. He knew how many would have felt threatened by that.

Did he like the idea that it was offered. Oh, yes. He knew he was great.

Was he ambitious? For sure. He was a great man and he was trying to do great things for Rome. That's not a sin. We don't murder colleagues and classmates because they are ambitious. 

Cassius et al were not motivated by fear of Ceasar's ambition. That was Brutus.

Cassius was simply jealous because he did not have the same power or receive the same adoration from the people. Remember Casca: He complained how even if Caesar had murdered the streetwomen's mothers, they would still have loved him.

 Please feel free to comment

And enjoy the Saturday evening - Wen Chiao, stop playing online games!

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